History and Film Clips

Judy Chicago

In the early seventies, Chicago had begun to formulate the feminist philosophy that would shape such later works as Womanhouse and the Dinner Party. In this short clip, she discusses the intersection between female identity and the significance of the “cunt” image.

Performance Art in the Film

The late sixties and early seventies saw the emergence of performance art, often shaped by strong political and social messages. While Chicago wrote the "Cock-Cunt Play" on her own, other pieces such as the "Cunt Cheer" emerged collaboratively or through spontaneous improvisation, as in "Gun Play".

Ti-Grace Atkinson

By 1971, Atkinson was already defining the forefront of feminist theory. After a speaking engagement at the Fresno campus, the women meet afterwards, and she and Chicago engage in a surprising debate.

Further information on feminism and art:


Faith Wilding and Cheryl Zurilgen negotiate sexual politics in Chicago's "Cock-Cunt Play"